This Hundred Watts

This Hundred Watts is the story of WSUA and WCDB as told by former members, featuring anecdotes, backstory, reflections and tributes.
These are mixed with relevant audio clips and montages.
It features commentary by Dr. Nick Argyros (WSUA's first General Manager), John Michalke, Andy Baum, Harvey Kojan,
Fr. Tad Parks, Joel Lustig, Brian Lehrer, Jim Saturno, Kevin Kelton, Jim Diamond, Phil Chonigman, Dianne Pine,
Bill McCann, Kristen Coury and Leon Ferri, with audio from countless on air moments.
This Hundred Watts is not available for download. The program is broadcast on WCDB at various times during station anniversaries,
and limited edition numbered CD copies are handed out at station reunions.